Better sharing for better learning and innovation
Better sharing for better learning and innovation.
We are experienced international development professionals and we'll ask you questions until we fully understand your context and your needs.
We support all of your organisation's KM and collaboration initiatives. We provide strategic advice, coaching and project management to implement KM strategies. We offer facilitation services for both online and face-to-face events and help to further the development of your own facilitation capacities.
Our work is process centred, supported with appropriate tools and technologies.
We are people focused. We work with a network of professionals and bring them in as needed.
Here is a sampling of our past projects:
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Asia Regional ProgramProject: Knowledge Sharing (KS) Capacity Development Program for IFAD Asia
Over the course of this 18 months project, KM4D Associates:• Designed and facilitated 3 face-to-face Knowledge Sharing methods and tools training workshops• Designed and facilitated 2 online Knowledge Sharing methods and tools training
• Designed and facilitated 1 Training of Trainers workshopInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC)Project: Supporting knowledge sharing in the ENRAP network
We assisted the ENRAP Network by:
• Designing and facilitating four face-to-face Knowledge Sharing methods and tools training workshops
• Designing and facilitating two IFAD Annual Asia Program Review
• Developing the Introducing Knowledge Sharing Methods and Tools: a Facilitator's Guide (click on the cover in RESOURCES below)World FishProject: Developing a Knowledge Management strategyAt World Fish, KM4D helped to develop a comprehensive Knowldge Management strategy through participatory processes which included a knowledge audit with interviews, surveys and network mapping, results analysis and drafting of a strategy document with a concrete implementation plan.International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)Project: Facilitation of multiple Cross-Country Learning EventsWe designed and facilitated the following interactive workshops, using a variety of knowledge sharing methods such as Open Space, Peer Assist and World Café:- IICD Health Cross-Country Learning Event in Uganda
- IICD Livelihoods Cross-Country Learning Event in Mali
- IICD Health Cross-Country Learning Event in Tanzania
Food and Agriculture OrganizationProject: Support to FAO's Thematic Knowledge NetworksOver the course of 5 years, KM4D Associates assited FAO's networks through ongoing coaching and advice to network coordinators, as well asassisting in developing some of the network tools and co-organizing and co-facilitating 3 Moodle online courses entitled Introduction to Knowledge Sharing Networks and Communities of Practice. - WHO WE ARELucie LamoureuxFounder and Lead Associate
Lucie has been passionate about about supporting organisations and networks to share, learn and innovate since 1998, when she started working for the Bellanet Secretariat (IDRC), which sought to enhance collaboration in the international development sector. She was the Lead Facilitator of the KM4Dev community from 2002-2011.
She continues to support sharing and learning, working with a variety of development actors on their projects, be it NGOs, bilateral agencies, or multilateral organizations everywhere around the world. A Canadian citizen fluent in both English and French, she is based in Brussels, where the waffels are warm and the beer is cold.
Hannah BeardonAssociateHannah is an experienced UK-based international development consultant working on evaluation and organisational learning, with a focus on empowerment, participation and voice.
Through her evaluation work, she has developed a strong understanding of organisational structures and mechanisms for learning, programme quality and accountability. She has also conducted action research with practitioners from INGOs to explore the opportunities and challenges for stronger bottom-up learning, and developed tools and methods for engaging young people and communities in evaluation field research using methods from KM and participatory media.
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